Become a member today and get your membership card!​

The associated registration form for the Italian Bipolar Association offers the opportunity to become part of our community and support the cause of bipolar disorder. 

By registering as an associate, you will receive your membership card via email. You can also buy cards for more people.

Join us in raising awareness and providing support to people with bipolar disorder and their families. 

Be part of change, support and hope with the Italian Bipolar Association!

Currently, the form to buy membership cards is only available in Italian.

Fill in this form to join and buy your card


Dati dell’associato - Tessera 1

Dati dell’associato - Tessera 2

Dati dell’associato - Tessera 3

Dati dell’associato - Tessera 4

Dati dell’associato - Tessera 5

Dati del capofamiglia

Dati dei Componenti della Famiglia - Componente 1

Dati dei Componenti della Famiglia - Componente 2

Dati dei Componenti della Famiglia - Componente 3

Dati dei Componenti della Famiglia - Componente 4

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