National collaborations
Here is the list of associations that collaborate with us, helping to put pressure on institutions in Italy and promoting the protection of human rights in the field of mental health.
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The associations registered in our national network:

Objectives and activities of the association:
MetanoTalk is an international non-profit mental health NGO, based in France, which offers professional mental health services, Confidential, secure and free via anonymous instant messaging to people who need immediate emotional support.

Volontaria-Mente ODV
Objectives and activities of the association:
- Raising awareness of the population on the topic of mental illness in all its aspects, through targeted communication, meetings and debates on the topic of mental illness.
- Prevention work, especially aimed at young people, to raise awareness of the symptoms that can lead to even mild mental distress and prevent its development into a disabling disease. Today, some types of discomfort can be healed perfectly and most treatments allow you to lead a completely normal social and relationship life.
- Fight the social stigma that still surrounds mental illness as a whole, especially due to the aura of fear and ignorance that surrounds this type of pathology.
- Provide support to patients and their families to improve the quality of social and family relationships, organize self-help groups which constitute an important tool in supporting both users and those around them

Percorsi ODV
Objectives and activities of the association: The “PERCORSI ODV”, Regional Volunteer Organization of family members for the protection of mental health, was legally established in Pescara on 09/20/1994, with the primary intention of overcoming the isolation of people with mental health problems and their families, who believe in the validity of the psychiatric reform promoted by Law 180/78 (Basaglia Law) and in the need to apply it consistently. Registered in the Regional Register with Decree No. 712 of 11/15/1996 ; registered with RUNTS as a Third Sector Organization according to Legislative Decree 117/2017. Develops and implements projects in favor of CSM users and their family members, in the direction of the “Mental Health Protection” Objective Project, Regional Health and Social Plans and practices based on an Evidence Based approach

I Vulcanici
Non-profit cultural and recreational association of users of the mental health department

Abbraccialo per me
Objectives and activities of the association: Support for people with psychiatric pathologies and their families